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Do I Need to Feed a Baby on Ark With a Nanny

Disambig.png This article is about S+ Nanny, not to be confused with   SS Nanny(Mod:Super Structures)

Mod Structures Plus.png

Mod Structures Plus S- Nanny.png

Spawn Command

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/StructuresPlusMod/Misc/Nanny/PrimalItemStructure_Nanny.PrimalItemStructure_Nanny'" 1 0 0


Resources breakdown [Expand]

The S+ Nanny is a Structure in Structures Plus.

Overview [ ]

Acts as feeding trough for baby-stage creatures.

The S+ Nanny will periodically provide 1% imprint to nearby, non-adult creatures. An upper cap can be set in the server settings.

Players can place   Preserving Salt in inventory.

The S+ Nanny is powered by   Electrical Generator or   S+ Tek Generator.

(The Nanny will not imprint Reaper Kings so make sure to manually do your imprints for the boosted imprint stats.]

Patch History [ ]

October 6
January 13
  • Can no longer be powered by   Charge Battery.
v · d · e Structures Mod:Structures Plus
Mod Structures Plus S- Crafting Station.png Crafting

S+ Auto Crafter  •  S+ Blueprint Maker  •  S+ Chemistry Bench  •  S+ Converter  •  S+ Crafting Station  •  S+ Drone Terminal  •  S+ Dyeria  •  S+ Element Catalyzer  •  S+ Fabricator  •  S+ Industrial Forge  •  S+ Industrial Grinder  •  S+ Mortar and Pestle  •  S+ Refining Forge  •  S+ Smithy  •  S+ Tek Forge  •  S+ Tek Replicator

Campfire.png Cooking

S+ Beer Barrel  •  S+ Campfire  •  S+ Cooking Pot  •  S+ Industrial Cooker  •  S+ Industrial Grill  •  S+ Preserving Bin  •  S+ Tek Cooking Pot  •  S+ Tek Stove

Mod Structures Plus S- Animal Tender.png Farming

S+ Animal Tender  •  S+ Compost Bin  •  S+ Crop Plot (Small, Medium, Large)  •  S+ Domesticated Bee Hive  •  S+ Farmer  •  S+ Feeding Trough  •  S+ Gacha Gavager  •  S+ Gardener  • S+ Harvester • S+ Seamless Crop Square  •  S+ Seamless Crop Triangle  •  S+ Sheep Herder  •  S+ Tree Sap Tap

Metal Irrigation Pipe - Flexible.png Irrigation

S+ Internal Piping (Pillar, Square, Triangle, Wall)  •  S+ Metal Pipe (Flexible, Inclined, Intake, Intersection, Straight, Tap, Vertical)  •  S+ Metal Water Tank  •  S+ Stone Pipe (Flexible, Inclined, Intake, Intersection, Straight, Tap, Vertical)  •  S+ Water Tank

Air Conditioner.png Electricity and Appliances

S+ Air Conditioner  •  S+ Auto Turret  •  S+ Ballista Turret  •  S+ Cannon Turret  •  S+ Charge Injector  •  S+ Charge Station  •  S+ Electrical Cable (Diagonal, Flexible, Intersection, Straight, Vertical)  •  S+ Electrical Generator  •  S+ Electrical Outlet  •  S+ Elevator Call Button  •  S+ Elevator Platform (Small, Medium, Large)  •  S+ Flame Turret  •  S+ Heavy Auto Turret  •  S+ Internal Wiring (Pillar, Square, Triangle, Wall)  •  S+ Minigun Turret  •  S+ Multi Lamp  •  S+ Pressure Plate  •  S+ Refrigerator  •  S+ Rocket Turret  •  S+ Small Elevator Track  •  S+ Tranq Turret  •  S+ Wind Turbine

Mod Structures Plus S- Metal Storage Box.png Storage

S+ Bookshelf  •  S+ Cryofridge  •  S+ Large Storage Box  •  S+ Metal Storage Box  •  S+ Storage Box  •  S+ Vault  •  S+ Vessel

Mod Structures Plus S- Item Collector.png Utility

S+ Crystal Cracker  •  S+ Hatchery  •  S+ Hitching Post  •  S+ Item Collector  • S+ Nanny •  S+ Item Aggregator

Training Dummy.png Furniture

S+ Bunk Bed  •  S+ Taxidermy Base (Small, Medium, Large)  •  S+ Mannequin  •  S+ Simple Bed  •  S+ Standing Torch  •  S+ Wall Torch

Mod Structures Plus S- Planetary Shield.png Tek

S+ Cloning Chamber  •  S+ Dedicated Storage (Intake, Interface)  •  S+ Incinerator  •  S+ Item Translocator  •  S+ Laboratory  •  S+ Moonpool Trapdoor  •  S+ Mutator  •  S+ Planetary Shield  •  S+ Propagator  •  S+ Repair Station  •  S+ Repulser Plate  •  S+ Sloped Vacuum Compartment  •  S+ Tek Bridge  •  S+ Tek Elevator  •  S+ Tek Gas Collector  •  S+ Tek Generator  •  S+ Tek Hitching Post  •  S+ Tek Leash  •  S+ Tek Light  •  S+ Tek Oil Pump  •  S+ Tek Refrigerator  •  S+ Tek Sensor  • S+ Tek Shield Generator •  S+ Tek Sleeping Pod  •  S+ Tek Storage  •  S+ Tek Transmitter  •  S+ Tek Tree Sap Tap  •  S+ Tek Trough  •  S+ Tek Turret  •  S+ Teleporter  •  S+ Transfer Control Unit  •  S+ Triangle Tek Elevator  •  S+ Vacuum Compartment  • S+ Vacuum Compartment Door •  S+ Vacuum Moonpool  •  S+ Vivarium

Do I Need to Feed a Baby on Ark With a Nanny
