When Should Tube Feedings Running at 60 Mlhr Be Held Select All That Apply
Enteral Nutrition Calculator
Tube feeding analysis tool
ClinCalc.com » Nutrition » Enteral Nutrition Calculator
Patient Parameters
- Summary
- Progress Note
Tube Feed Recommendations
Jevity (1.2 Cal) @ 70 mL/hr
- Start at 20 mL/hr, titrate by 10-20 mL/hr every 4 hours to goal
- 250 mL free water flushes every 4 hours (62.5 mL/hr)
Feed calories | 2016 kcal (25 kcal/kg) |
Total protein | 93 gm (1.2 gm/kg) |
Total carbs | 285 gm |
Total fat | 66 gm |
Feed water | 1356 mL |
Water flushes | 1500 mL (250 mL Q4hr) |
Total fluids | 2856 mL (36 mL/kg) |
Daily needs | 2800 mL (35 mL/kg/day) |
Macronutrient Distribution
Ideal BW | 66.1 kg |
Actual BW | 80 kg (21% above IBW) |
Nutritional BW | 80 kg |
BMI | 27.7 kg/m2 |
BMI Classification1 | Overweight |
Jevity (1.2 Cal)
Macronutrient | Per 1000 mL |
Calories | 1.2 kcal/mL |
Free water | 807 mL |
Protein | 55.5 gm 222 kcal |
Carbohydrates | 169.4 gm 576 kcal |
Fat | 39.3 gm 354 kcal |
Manufacturers may change a formulation at any time. Nutrition information is kept as updated as possible, but it is recommended to check this data against the formulation at your local site. If you see a discrepancy, please contact us. |
This website is intended to be used in conjunction with reasonable clinical judgment. This is not a substitute for clinical experience and expertise. An electronic tool cannot assess the clinical picture and patient-specific factors.
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I understand
[Patient description, reason for consult]
Patient Metrics Height: 67 in
Ideal body weight: 66.1 kg (21% above IBW)
Actual body weight: 80 kg
BMI: 27.7 kg/m2 (NHLBI status - Overweight)
Nutritional dosing weight: 80 kg
Goal kcal/kg: 25 kcal/kg
Goal protein/kg: 1.2 gm/kg
Fluid restriction: None
Jevity (1.2 Cal) at 70 mL/hr
- Start at 20 mL/hr, titrate by 10-20 mL/hr every 4 hours to goal
- 250 mL free water flushes every 4 hours (62.5 mL/hr)
- Provides 2016 kcal (25 kcal/kg) and 93 gm
(1.2 gm/kg) of protein
- Enteral feed and flushes provide 2856 mL
(36 mL/kg) of free water
- Elevate head of bed 30-45 degrees while feeding
- Check gastric residuals every 4 hours when initiating feeding. May check every 6-8 hours once goal rate is achieved
- Hold gastric feeds for residuals more than 500 mL. Avoid holding feeds for residuals < 500 mL without other signs of intolerance
- If unable to meet caloric goals after 7-10 days, consider initiating supplemental parenteral nutrition
Please page with questions. Thank you for the consult.
[Signature, pager]
About This Calculator
This calculator is not appropriate for the following patient populations, or may require a higher degree of clinical judgment:
- At risk for refeeding syndrome
- Pediatrics
- Concurrent parenteral nutrition
- Special nutritional needs (burns, fistulas, pregnancy)
Determining Caloric Requirements
The ESPEN guidelines for critical care suggest a maximum caloric intake of 20-25 kcal/kg/day during the acute and initial phase of critical illness, but 25-30 kcal/kg/day during the anabolic recovery phase.2 Certain patients (eg, malnourished or morbidly obese) may have different caloric requirements than the standard patient.
Selecting an Appropriate Formulation
The selection of the appropriate tube feed formulation is a very patient-specific decision. The following factors may play a role in choosing a formulation:
- Macronutrient complexity - Polymeric, semi-elemental, or elemental preparations are available depending on the patient's ability to break down, absorb, and tolerate macronutrients.
- Protein content - Some formulas contain a particularly high content of protein, which is often more appropriate for patients in the acute stages of critical illness.
- Volume - Fluid-restricted formulas with a higher caloric density (kcal/mL) are available, but may cause more problems with diarrhea due to high osmolality.
- Disease-specific formulas - Some products are designed for specific disease states, such as ARDS/ALI, hepatic impairment, renal impairment, and diabetes.
- Fiber content - Particularly in patients with feeding-associated diarrhea, increasing the fiber content of a formula may improve tolerability.
For complicated patients, consider consultation with a registered dietitian for recommendations regarding appropriate enteral feeding formulas and supplements.
Considerations for Obesity
In obese patients (>20% ideal weight), this calculator uses a nutritional dosing weight.3 A nutritional dosing weight uses a correction adjustment of 25% (see equation below) to avoid underfeeding (with ideal weight) or overfeeding (with actual weight).
$$\\ Nutritional\;weight = IdealBW + 0.25*(ActualBW - IdealBW)$$
It should be noted that the ASPEN/SCCM guidelines recommend an alternative approach when dosing obese patients.4 According to these guidelines, obese patients (BMI > 30 kg/m2) should receive 11-14 kcal/kg (actual weight) or 22-25 kcal/kg (ideal weight) and protein requirements should be dosed using ideal weight (grade D).
Accuracy of Tube Feed Data
The enteral nutrition products included in this database are the more common formulations from Abbott Nutrition and Nestle Nutrition. The data used is accurate as of February 2013, but may change with time.
References and Additional Reading
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Classification of Overweight and Obesity by BMI, Waist Circumference, and Associated Disease Risks. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/obesity/lose_wt/bmi_dis.htm. Accessed February 24, 2013.
- Kreymann KG, Berger MM, Deutz NE, et al. ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Intensive care. Clin Nutr. 2006;25(2):210-23. PMID 16697087.
- Krenitsky J. Adjusted body weight, pro: evidence to support the use of adjusted body weight in calculating calorie requirements. Nutr Clin Pract. 2005;20(4):468-73. PMID 16207686.
- McClave SA, Martindale RG, Vanek VW, et al. Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult Critically Ill Patient: SCCM and ASPEN. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2009;33(3):277-316. PMID 19398613.
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Source: https://clincalc.com/Nutrition/EnteralNutrition.aspx?example