Funny Name for a New Born Baby
Your pet. Your partner. Your favorite blanket. Your baby. You come up with a nickname for your favorite thing no matter what it is. Sometimes they are the silliest names that make no sense to anyone but you. Sometimes your little one makes a funny little noise and he's dubbed "Little Squeaker" for the next two years.
When it comes to your baby boy, there are countless nicknames you can give him. But have you wondered what other people call their precious little bundles? We looked up some of the most popular ways to reference your tiny human without ever using their real name.

What's in a name?
Why do we give our kids dozens of nicknames throughout their life? It seems like we give them a nickname for everything they do. They get a nickname for any animal they start to look like or any object they become obsessed with. If a baby doesn't have at least a dozen nicknames from various family members, is he even loved?
Nicknames can come from the family's background. They are given by siblings or other family members. Nicknames for a baby are usually cute and affectionate. As the baby gets older and learns to talk, nicknames should be more thoughtful. If you wouldn't want your adult nickname to be "chunky monkey" then it's best to stop using that one on your baby when they start to understand words.
The usual suspects
There's no escaping these nicknames if you have a baby boy. Whether or not you like them, someone in your family or a friend is going to gift one of these to your child.
- Bubba/Bubs
- Buddy
- Guy/My Guy
- Mister
- Sweet Pea
- Sweet Boy
- Kid/Kiddo
Put "little" in front of anything
- Little Man
- Little Guy
- Little Stinker
- Little Buddy
- Little Prince
- Little Slugger
- Little Dude
Put "baby" in front of anything
- Baby Boy
- Baby Bear
- Baby Cheeks
- Baby Face
Some of the most common nicknames that take "little" or "baby" and put it in front of a name are probably going to be used as they get older. Your baby boy will be "Little Slugger and turn directly into "Slugger" as he gets older. These names are safe, easy, common, and always there.

Nicknames to boost the ego
These nicknames are not only popular, but they will also give your little man a little ego boost. Of course, every baby is the most beautiful, precious thing on the planet to his parent. Nicknames that hone in on what the parent thinks is the most adorable feature create some popular nicknames.
Nicknames about good looks
- Cutie
- Handsome
- Hunk
- Angel
- Big Eyes
- Blue/Brown/Green Eyes
Nicknames about great attitude
- Sunshine
- Sweetie
- Smiles/Smiley
Adorable animal nicknames
Baby animals and baby humans make everyone say "aww" so there's no surprise that popular baby boy nicknames are also animal names.
- Monkey
- Piglet
- Tiger
- Duckling
- Lamb
- Chipmunk
- Tadpole
- Chickadee
Food-themed nicknames
There's nothing like comparing your baby boy to food. Those adorable cheeks are waiting to be gobbled up anyway. Most of the food nicknames are desserts, which isn't far off of how scrumptious those little arm and leg rolls are.
- Muffin
- Pumpkin
- Tater Tot
- Turkey
- Cupcake
- Pudding
- Cookie
- Butterball
The best silly nicknames
A nickname is more exciting when it's a bit silly and when you didn't hear it coming. There are some popular nicknames for baby boys that also carry a bit of fun with them.
- Buster
- Peanut
- Pickle
- Nugget
- Half-pint
- Munchkin
- Meatball
- Wiggle Worm

These nicknames are a bit too cool
You know how you turn your head when you hear a child being called by an unusual name? You always have to think about it and you wonder if you would name your kid that. Some nicknames do the same.
- Cabbage Patch Kid
- Bubbles
- Cocoa puff
- Volcano
- Beanstalk
- Tootsie Pop
- Hollywood
- Jellybean
- Hobbit
Whether you like sports, movies, food, or animals, there are endless nicknames you can call your baby boy. Just because it's a popular one doesn't mean you have to skip it. Your tiny tyke might only blow raspberries at you for weeks and now you call him "Berry" and that's just the way it is.
Some of these popular baby boy nicknames are ones you hear all of the time. So if you have a baby boy or know someone who does, try introducing a more unusual nickname and see how it goes. But remember that nicknames can stick. It's been five years and we still call our youngest kid, "Chicken nugget."
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